Bristol Beacon, UK
Bristol (United Kingdom)
Space Lux
Levitt Berstein Associates Ltd
www.levittbernstein.co.uk (Architect)
www.charcoalblue.com (Theatre Consultant)
www.bristolbeacon.org (Client)
Since the very beginning of this project, the main goal of both the architect Lewitt Bernstein and the consultant Charcoalblue was creating a multi functional space that might adapt to any type of event.
This project has evolved through the years and Ascénder has always adapted to the new challenges. Back in time the first specifications considered seats on tracks and removable seating on wagons moving under the stage. In the end, those track systems were replaced by wheeled bench systems which offered additional flexibility. It took us several modifications but we finally came out with the final version being used for that specific area.
From the very first moment, using a bespoke fabric designed by a local artist was one of the most challenging aspects of the project: we designed countless cutting patterns to make the upholstery of each armchair different and unique from the rest of the row.
Charcoalblue has set the bar very high in terms of capacity, isoptic, versatility and aesthetic needs: up to 6 different types of armchairs were manufactured for this venue following the same design pattern. Thus, you can find in the Balconies chairs with fixed back, freestanding seats and even angled chairs on the sides. Moreover, there are long benches in the Choir, chairs with folding backrest in the wagons under the Stage and chairs on wheels sharply staggered in the middle of the Stalls.
Additionally, each level has different back inclinations to improve the sight lines of the room, various seat centres so all chairs are aligned to the corridors and different height & length for seats and arms to improve comfort while complying with the British safety regulations.
These 6 years of hard work together with our UK agent Hussey Seatway finally bore fruit after the opening of this impressive venue – a reference of versatility in a demanding market like the United Kingdom.