Introducing the two venues recently finished at MOI, Ministry of Interior of Kuwait : these show pretty much the essence of our work at Ascénder.
Not a massive job with hundreds of chairs in a huge venue – just the opposite, a close work with the interior designer that was looking for the best possible customisation of the same chair for two small halls with different purposes and finishes.
Our Nova chair was the preferred model for the equipment of these exclusive rooms demanding wide seat centres dimensions and individual configuration.

Despite the chairs for both halls had some similar elements (anti panic writing tablet, arm with integrated conference system and laser engraved logo on the outer wooden back panel) we finally produced four different types of chairs: two for the Ambassador hall and two for the Sheikh venue.
Personalisation is one of our main features – and hence we could show it once more to our customer. Note the various solutions applied to this job: chairs with shared arm and individual configuration, side wooden tables, different seat centres dimensions, curve fixing, etc.

And of course including the integration of the voting & conference systems into the chairs… Check how every right arm does not only include a round aluminum support for the wireless microphone but also folds up to conceal the voting system fixed into the standard!!!