Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos

Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos

Madrid (SPAIN)

Amid.cero9 (Cristina Díaz Moreno y Efrén García Grinda)



The Foundation Francisco Giner de los Ríos represents the Institution of Free Education (ILE) since 1916. It was created when Mr Giner died to secure his legacy and  heritage. Since then the Patronage maintained the activities and in order to give impulse to the institution, in 2003 decided to renovate & enlarge its historical headquarters located on Paseo del General Martínez Campos, Madrid.

The state of the buildings required a complete refurbishing project that was awarded to Cristina Díaz Moreno and Efrén García Grinda, architects who managed maintaining the historical buildings (the house of Giner and the Macpherson Pavillion) while replacing the damaged buildings with new spaces directly related with the garden, the real core of the building. By using “green” durable materials easy to maintain, this building has a skin of galvanized steel prepared for the plants to climb, sober interiors and an outstanding auditorium with incredible windows that face to the stage.

For this particular building the customer selected a special chair developed by ASCENDER together with the architectural studio Amidcero.9: an innovation creation based in seat & back of identical size linked with a long axis integrated into the structure of the chairs. To provide additional functionality to the venue all chairs have a particular writing tablet with a turning system that conceals the tablet by the arm. However, the real technical challenge is into the chair itself; the tipping mechanism is inserted into the axis that, in turn, is welded to long bench structures that do not duplicate arms and are fixed to the floor on both sides of the air conditioning outlets.