Centennial Planetarium
Calgary (CA)
Lemay Architecture & Design
Dafne & Eloisse
www.calgary.ca / www.contemporarycalgary.com (client)
www.lemay.com (architects)
Photos: City of Calgary / Contemporary Calgary / Long Bow Sales
Centennial Planetarium, a City-owned building opened in 1967 to mark Canada’s Centennial and was occupied until June 20, 2011.
The building was placed on Calgary’s Heritage Inventory in 2009. Because of its cultural and historic significance to Calgarians, the former Centennial Planetarium was designated to provide a public space for arts, culture and heritage purposes.
This project was recognized for its sensitive restoration of an icon from Canada’s brutalist architecture. In March 2014, the City of Calgary agreed to work with the Contemporary Calgary to turn the planetarium into an art gallery. With great respect for the building’s heritage character Ascénder participated in the revitalisation with two different seating chairs: our fully upholstered Dafne for the theatre and the timber finished Eloisse for the auditorium.